
5 Things To Have In Place For Launching An eCommerce Business

May 1, 2023

Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum sed diam ligula. Nulla cursus dignissim molestie. In luctus lobortis arcu, sit amet feugiat nunc blandit vel. Fusce elementum nisi purus, in malesuada nisi tincidunt sed. Duis libero dolor, congue et varius eu, placerat vel dui. Ut tempor augue vitae ex aliquam, non imperdiet augue pellentesque. Morbi in est cursus lectus molestie aliquam. Nunc quam orci, pharetra a ex ac, fringilla faucibus neque. Quisque ut dictum ex, finibus lacinia eros. Vivamus gravida ac velit nec molestie. Aliquam molestie nisl at justo sollicitudin, ut imperdiet lectus porttitor. Phasellus aliquet sapien ut libero mollis, sit amet fringilla augue bibendum.

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Nulla congue libero eu libero efficitur, non fringilla dolor ultricies. Vestibulum ultrices augue vel est rutrum, eu semper odio blandit. Cras dignissim, risus in accumsan consectetur, orci urna efficitur nulla, at aliquam ante velit a lorem.

Heading 2

Nulla congue libero eu libero efficitur, non fringilla dolor ultricies. Vestibulum ultrices augue vel est rutrum, eu semper odio blandit. Cras dignissim, risus in accumsan consectetur, orci urna efficitur nulla, at aliquam ante velit a lorem.

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Nulla congue libero eu libero efficitur, non fringilla dolor ultricies.

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Nulla congue libero eu libero efficitur, non fringilla dolor ultricies.

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Nulla congue libero eu libero efficitur, non fringilla dolor ultricies.

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Nulla congue libero eu libero efficitur, non fringilla dolor ultricies.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse potenti.

Heading 3

Fusce mollis posuere urna, at rutrum sapien tincidunt a. Praesent mattis mauris massa, vitae luctus nisi finibus eget. Ut scelerisque neque nisl, eget commodo lectus pretium non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent ac libero malesuada, ultricies magna sit amet, tempor sapien.

Cras varius ultrices ipsum id dictum. Suspendisse tincidunt mauris ligula, et dictum diam molestie sit amet. Vivamus nec egestas neque, in finibus est. Vivamus pretium euismod tellus et porta. Mauris tempor dui est, nec cursus nunc vehicula vel. Nullam fermentum convallis urna sit amet pharetra. Morbi ex ipsum, aliquam in tortor in, ultrices pretium nunc. Nullam auctor euismod nunc, non ornare lectus fringilla id. Nullam lobortis pharetra libero at accumsan. Morbi finibus ex vel ligula faucibus malesuada. Mauris id facilisis velit. Aenean et vulputate leo. Morbi in massa accumsan, congue felis non, accumsan ante.

Fusce mollis posuere urna, at rutrum sapien tincidunt a. Praesent mattis mauris massa, vitae luctus nisi finibus eget. Ut scelerisque neque nisl, eget commodo lectus pretium non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent ac libero malesuada, ultricies magna sit amet, tempor sapien.

Heading 3

Mauris id facilisis velit. Aenean et vulputate leo. Morbi in massa accumsan, congue felis non, accumsan ante.

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  2. Sed hendrerit felis lacinia risus iaculis feugiat.
  3. Aliquam in lectus ac metus consectetur pellentesque lobortis nec orci.
  4. Nam nec tellus ullamcorper, consectetur massa in, tincidunt justo.

Fusce mollis posuere urna, at rutrum sapien tincidunt a. Praesent mattis mauris massa, vitae luctus nisi finibus eget. Ut scelerisque neque nisl, eget commodo lectus pretium non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent ac libero malesuada, ultricies magna sit amet, tempor sapien.

This is a quote block. Fusce mollis posuere urna, at rutrum sapien tincidunt a. Praesent mattis mauris massa, vitae luctus nisi finibus eget. Ut scelerisque neque nisl, eget commodo lectus pretium non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent ac libero malesuada, ultricies magna sit amet, tempor sapien.

Cras varius ultrices ipsum id dictum. Suspendisse tincidunt mauris ligula, et dictum diam molestie sit amet. Vivamus nec egestas neque, in finibus est. Vivamus pretium euismod tellus et porta. Mauris tempor dui est, nec cursus nunc vehicula vel. Nullam fermentum convallis urna sit amet pharetra. Morbi ex ipsum, aliquam in tortor in, ultrices pretium nunc. Nullam auctor euismod nunc, non ornare lectus fringilla id. Nullam lobortis pharetra libero at accumsan. Morbi finibus ex vel ligula faucibus malesuada. Mauris id facilisis velit. Aenean et vulputate leo. Morbi in massa accumsan, congue felis non, accumsan ante.

Launching a new business is both an exciting and potentially scary time. While possibilities are endless and you have so many options at your fingertips to run things your way, it can also be hard to know where to start or what you really need to first launch. 

For eCommerce businesses just getting started, be sure to check these 5 things off your pre-launch list before rolling out your business to customers and your community. 

Funding/Go-To-Market Strategy

Following your entrepreneurial dream and bringing a vision to life is no small feat – congratulations on getting here! But as reality starts to settle in, you may realize some things are still needed to get your business off the ground. Like funding. If you don’t already have physical inventory or are needing up front investments to help get your business started, crowdsourcing may be a great place to start. 

Crowdsourcing can start in many places. Some companies may choose to seek out investors while others rely on crowdfunding options like Kickstarter or Indiegogo. There is no right or wrong way to gather your funding, but this is an important step if you don’t have the money to invest in your business alone. 

At ShipDaddy, we specialize in supporting startups with crowdfunding efforts and can help you navigate the often complex world of funding. From one time launches to ongoing services with our team, we bring you up to speed on how funding works and can help you find the best route to go about it. 

eCommerce Website

To sell a product, you need to get it in front of customers. While some businesses rely heavily on social media for product marketing, especially when they’re just starting out, it’s crucial to have a reliable eCommerce website where customers and your community can learn more about your products and place orders. Without it, scale your business down the road becomes next to impossible. 

Even with many options for sales on third party sites like Amazon and Etsy, your website should act as your main business hub and be a place where people can legitimize your products. 

Experience 3PL Partner

Next, you need to consider how you plan to fulfill custom orders. We all dream of opening our often figurative business doors and immediately seeing the orders come in. If this was a reality, would you have the needed resources to serve those customers? For many businesses, the answer is no. 

While many start ups can handle keeping things in-house until they can no longer handle the volume of their customers, you should keep a logistics partner in mind for the future. When it comes time to find one, keep in mind their ability to scale down the line with you as well. 

It’s important to find a partner you can trust to handle your shipping logistics – whether you’re just starting out or are ready to take your business from side hustle to full time venture. 

Social Media Channels

Now we loop back to social media for marketing your products. If you don’t already have your social media accounts set up, now is the time to do so. While it’s important to have products and proof of concept for when you’re ready to roll out your business to customers for orders, leveraging social media to tease what’s to come is an effective strategy many new businesses use. By creating a buzz around your brand and building an audience, you ensure that the right people are there when you’re ready to open up shop. 

Set Goals and Start Collecting Customer Data

Without goals, it’s hard to know where you’re heading. Are things working? Do we need to adjust to better meet customer needs? Goals and data help you understand the answers to these all important questions. 

Set goals for sales and marketing benchmarks and keep track of customer data. Numbers like your customer acquisition cost (CAC), eCommerce conversion rate (CR), customer retention rate (CRR), and profit margins are all key metrics you should keep a close pulse on. 

Your business’s future starts today

It’s never too early to start planning for your business’s future. Take charge and set your business up for success now. Connect with the team at ShipDaddy to learn more.  
